Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/12/2021 - 7:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Info
Subject: 17.4 Revisions to Sexual Harrassment Board Policy 5145.7 and Administrative Regulation 5145.7 (Students); Sexual Harassment Board Policies 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 and Administrative Regulations 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 (Personnel); Nondiscrimination in Employment Administrative Regulation 4030 (Personnel); and New Title IX Complaint Procedures: Administrative Regulations 4119.12, 4219.12, and 4319.12 (Personnel); and Administrative Regulation 5145.71 (Students) - First Reading
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
tracked changes BP 5145.7 DRAFT Sexual Harassment (Students) .docx.pdf
tracked changes AR 5145.7 DRAFT Sexual Harassment (Students) .docx.pdf
tracked changes BP 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 DRAFT Sexual Harassment (Personnel) .docx.pdf
tracked changes AR 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 DRAFT Sexual Harassment (Personnel) .docx.pdf
tracked changes AR 4030 DRAFT Nondiscrimination In Employment (Personnel).docx.pdf
_tracked changes AR 1312.3 DRAFT Community Relations (Uniform Complaint Procedures) .docx.pdf
AR 4119.12, 4219.12, 4319.12 DRAFT Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures (Personnel) .pdf
AR 5145.71 DRAFT Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures (Students) .pdf
Summary: Changes in the law surrounding Title IX necessitate minor revisions to Mountain View Los Altos High School District's board policies and administrative regulations; and the creation of administrative regulations for complaint procedures. The proposed language is being presented at this time for a first reading and will return for approval at the October 25, 2021, Board of Trustees meeting.
Recommendation: For information.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbie Maher - Executive Assistant
Signed By:
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent