Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 11/18/2019 - 5:00 PM
Category: Consolidated Motion
Type: Action
Subject: 14.5 Mountain View High School's Trip to North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, North Carolina, May 14-17, 2020, to Participate in the Science Olympiad
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
Summary: A request was received from Parul Kumar and Dr. Ning Xu, MVHS club advisers, for 20 students to travel to North Carolina State University to participate in the Science Olympiad.

The planned trip is for May 14-17, 2020. The team will know if they have qualified to go in April, 2020. Students will miss 2 days of instruction and will make arrangements with their teachers prior to their trip. Arrangements have also been made for students who will miss the AP test.
Funding: Not to exceed $25,000
Registration will be paid by the Science Olympiad club fund through ASB. Travel, hotel and food are paid by the individual families.
Recommendation: Approve Mountain View High School's trip to North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, North Carolina, May 14-17, 2020, to participate in the Science Olympiad.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Grace Icasiano - Administrative Assistant
Signed By:
Margarita Navarro - Associate Superintendent
Signed By:
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent