Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 1/9/2023 - 7:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Info
Subject: 16.3 PULLED BY STAFF: English Learner Graduation Requirements
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
22-23 Grad Credit requirement proposal.pdf
Summary: MVLA is proposing a 'Plan 2" for foreign-born students. Those who enter the District and are at least 15 years of age by September 1st of their entering year will be placed in the 10th grade. If missing transcripts, they may have an option of the 40-credit reduction graduation requirement plan.
Funding: N/A
Recommendation: For information.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbie Maher - Executive Assistant
Signed By:
Teri Faught - Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Signed By:
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent