Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/2/2022 - 7:00 PM
Category: Consolidated Motion
Type: Action
Subject: 10.3 Resolution No. 21/22-56: Declaration of Need
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
Res No. 21.22- 56 Declaration of Need _ Agenda item.pdf
Summary: Each year, school districts that employ individuals on emergency permits must have a Declaration of Need on file with the State Commission on Teacher Credentialing before the Commission issues emergency permits for service in the district. Education Code (EC) ยง 44300 authorizes the Commission to approve a school district's request for the assignment.
Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 21/22-56: Declaration of Need.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Amy Vargas - Administrative Assistant_
Signed By:
Leyla Benson - Associate Superintendent
Signed By:
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Debbie Torok Moved, Member Fiona Walter seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Board of Trustees approve Resolution No. 21/22-56.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Phil Faillace     Yes
Sanjay Dave     Yes
Debbie Torok     Yes
Catherine Vonnegut     Yes
Fiona Walter     Yes