Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
8/26/2024 - 7:00 PM  
Presentations, Reports and Information  
9.1 Amended Joint Powers Agreement of CHAC and Resolution 23/24-4, Second Reading  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
8-14-24 CHAC Proposed CHAC JPA (8-13-24) strike through version.pdf
8-14-24 CHAC proposed JPA (clean version).pdf
CHAC Draft Resolution 24.25_4.pdf
Overview -CHAC.pdf
CHAC Staff report for CHAC JPAg Amendment 7-1-24.pdf
CHAC Employee Severance Proposal.pdf
In 1973 the City of Mountain View, City of Los Altos, Town of Los Altos Hills, Mountain View-Whisman School District, Mountain View Los Altos High School District (MVLA) and Los Altos School District responded to the pressing need for mental health services in their community by forming a joint powers authority now known as CHAC Joint Powers Authority (CHAC JPA) to provide such services. Changes in the behavioral health services environment related to funding and the cost of providing services prompted the CHAC JPA to undertake a Strategic Sustainability Planning Study which revealed this version is no longer financially sustainable and should collaborate with another entity. Pacific Clinics is one of California’s leading nonprofit providers of behavioral health services, including mental health and wellbeing and already provide services in areas of Santa Clara County  
Conduct the Second Reading of the Amended Joint Powers Agreement of CHAC.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Amy Vargas - Executive Asst.
Signed By:  
Eric Volta - Superintendent