Meeting Date:
10.13 Change Order #18A Between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Sausal Corporation to Provide Services Related to the Los Altos High School New Classroom, Engineering Labs, and Auxiliary Gym Project |
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
Mountain View Los Altos High School District is requesting Change Order #18A with Sausal Corporation be ratified: - Credit to change toilet partition materials changes from bid set to meet District standard. Actual change was in materials from solid composite to phenolic material. - Autex cube tack wall installation overtime for after hours and Saturdays to expedite project completion for all classrooms - Furnish labor, materials, and equipment to repair locker room exterior walls and canopy per RFIs 54.1, 88, and 460.1 - Installation of electronic door hardware at the locker room building. Per RFI response, the double door was replaced when grading and landing of the existing locker room and dance room required revisions to accommodate existing elevations - Added work per RFP 5 to provide thermos-diffusers and CO2 detectors due to DSA request to add to the project per RFP 5 and RFI response. - Added cost to field modify stair landing B per RFI 508 to accommodate extra step added by DSA requirement on revision SK- AR-408 r2.1.2. - Credit for no galvanizing required, per District request to remove this scope from the trades package and place in the painter trade with high performance primer and paint. This saved time installing the railing before the start of school year. - Using $19,730.00 for Allowance #47, Item A1, due to change in scope per geotechnical consultant's directive to disconnect the outdoor fence footings from the Engineering Wing Building’s footings and slab shown on plan page S-S2.1. - Using $5,622.00 for Allowance #48, Item A1, due to outdoor fencing changes per RFI & CCD, for the slab area to encompass the drain inlet, the fencing lineal footage needs to be increased. - Using $14,466.00 for Allowance #68, Item A3, writable surfaces trim added to all Los Altos classrooms per RFI directive to add. This cost covers adding corner trim and J-caps at 16 locations - Credit for fencing changes, per DSA revisions to current fence area behind Gym Building at the transformer enclosure. This is a delta of credits and cost adds due to RFP 9.2 revisions. - Added work to relocate the scoreboard in main Gym building due to conflict with existing devices and equipment in the room and adjacent walls. - Added welding in lieu to bolting steel opening per RFI & CCD. This was at the HSS window and door area on the Los Altos classroom project. - Using $2,039.47 for Allowance #33, Item A3, temp lighting was provided in the 2-story classroom building, per District request - Using $6,892.60 for Allowance #49, Item A3, existing roof overhangs revised on Engineering Wing Building due to HVAC duct conflict. Revisions on two canopies per RFI response - Added scope to epoxy floor testing and treatment to concrete surfaces due to moisture results. Previous work performed in PCO 63 but testing and treatment was not encumbered, but related to ASI 8/ RFC 32.1. - District requested replacement of drywall at the 2-story classroom custodial and EMR rooms due to unforeseen conditions with sprinkler rework required resulting from a leak on fire sprinkler head and pipe - Additional overtime in the gym for installation of the wall padding, per District request. This was given due to the building turnover deadline approaching and wall padding was added to the gym columns on separate PCO. - Install floor protection at gym, per District request to prevent scratches and damage to new wood floor. Painted striping and logo completed after final coat of urethane coating was applied. |
$48,104.91 Bond (change order is within budget) |
Ratify Change Order #18A between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Sausal Corporation to provide services related to the Los Altos High School New Classroom, Engineering Labs, and Auxiliary Gym project. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Irene Aguilar - Administrative Assistant |
Signed By: |
Mike Mathiesen - Associate Superintendent |
Signed By: |
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Debbie Torok Moved, Member Fiona Walter seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ratify Change Order #18A between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Sausal Corporation to provide services related to the Los Altos High School New Classroom, Engineering Labs, and Auxiliary Gym project.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 5 - 0 | | | Phil Faillace | Yes | Sanjay Dave | Yes | Debbie Torok | Yes | Catherine Vonnegut | Yes | Fiona Walter | Yes | |