Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
9/12/2022 - 7:00 PM  
Consolidated Motion  
16.9 Change Order #5D Between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Best Electrical to Provide Services Related to the Mountain View High School Student Services Building Project  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
MVHS SS Bldg_Best Electrical CO#5D_09-12-22.pdf
Mountain View Los Altos High School District is requesting Change Order #5D with Best Electrical be ratified:
- Axis, Hubble lighting, Prudential lighting and other manufacturers have had price increases for their products since April 2021. A few light fixtures, about 10 different fixtures, are impacted by these price increases. This cost escalation is due to unforeseeable market conditions, and $19,280 is the delta between cost at bid time and current pricing.
- To aesthetically improve the lighting on the second floor hallways, luminaire length was increased. Extend/install Axis luminaire type AV4E,AV5E,AV6E (3 locations) per Architect Supplemental Information number 36.
- A variable frequency drive (VFD; a device used to control the rotation speed of an alternating current (AC) electric motor) for the kitchen exhaust fan was added. The specified kitchen exhaust fan did not include a VFD, therefore it was added during construction. Provide wiring (install conduit & pull power to device) and install device. (The device is purchased by others per Work Directive 37.)
- Per District request, in lieu of demolition of existing concrete pad and replacement with new, the existing was in good condition therefore it was re-utilized for the Transformer ‘TA.’ Provide credit for deleted work.
- A Make-up air is designed to "make-up" the air in interior space that has been removed due to process exhaust fans. This type of heating ventilation and air conditioning solution pulls in fresh, tempered air from outside of the building to replace existing air that cannot be recirculated. Per the Electrical Engineer, the electrical requirements for one of the make-up air units changed. Due to this change; Provide a 90 amplification circuit breaker in lieu of 40 amplifications, along with copper wiring & associated accessories. A 40 amp breaker has a lower price compared to a 90 amp breaker.
- The original designed folding partitions were discontinued, therefore design team had to select a different type. Due to this change, the lighting system was revised. The additional cost is the net delta for the changes to lighting per Architect Supplemental Information number 42.
- Extend the 24VAC circuit (volt alternating current-a transformer that lowers voltage for use in push button circuits) to urinals in two restrooms. This was not identified on the bid drawings. Provide and install approximately 10 feet of conduit and wiring to urinals.
Bond (change order is within budget)
Ratify Change Order #5D between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Best Electrical to provide services related to the Mountain View High School Student Services Building project.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Irene Aguilar - Administrative Assistant
Signed By:  
Mike Mathiesen - Associate Superintendent
Signed By:  
Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Phil Faillace Moved, Member Fiona Walter seconded to approve the Original motion 'Ratify Change Order #5D between Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Best Electrical to provide services related to the Mountain View High School Student Services Building project.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Phil Faillace     Yes
Debbie Torok     Yes
Catherine Vonnegut     Yes
Fiona Walter     Yes